Who are Antelope Loans?

We are an experienced loan administrator and we’ve been selected by your credit provider to look after the administration, management and customer care for your loan.

How do I contact you?

You can:
Call us on: 02920 858 791
Email us at: [email protected]: or
Write to us: Antelope Loans, PO BOX 255, Caerphilly, CF83 9FF
We’re open: 8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm on Friday and 9am to 12.30 pm on Saturday.
If you have had a change in your circumstance that we need to be aware of then please get in touch.

What is my outstanding balance?

You can get this information by either calling us on 02920 858 791 or reaching us via email at [email protected].

Can I choose the date my payment is made?

Yes, you can do this by either calling us on 02920 858 791 or reaching us via email at [email protected].
We need at least 14 working days’ notice to change your payment date. If we change your payment date, we will change the date on which we collect the monthly payment by Direct Debit for all payments going forward. As we require 14 days’ notice to make a change, we may limit the number of changes that we will make to your payment date.

What should I do if I can’t make a payment?

If you’re having trouble making payments, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can try and find a way to help.
You can contact us on 02920 858 791 or [email protected]
If you’re worried about managing your debts, you can get free and impartial advice from either Step Change Debt Charity or National Debtline at the contact details below:
Step Change Debt Charity:
Helpline: 0800 138 1111
www.stepchange.org or
National Debtline:
Helpline: 0808 808 4000

Can I get a payment holiday?

Yes, if we decide it is the appropriate thing for a responsible lender to do.

Can I borrow more?

If you already have a personal loan and find yourself in a situation where you need access to some additional funds, you will need to contact the originator of your loan agreement.

Can I make my upcoming loan repayment before the due date?

Some months you might find it easier to budget your monthly expenses by paying your upcoming loan repayment early. Doing so has no impact on your credit file and gives you the peace of mind that your payment is made. If you want to make an early payment please see our payments page or alternatively contact us.

What if I change my mind?

If you change your mind within 14 days of signing your loan agreement, you can notify us that you wish to exercise your right to withdraw and return the loan amount by email or calling us on 02920 858 791.
However, you must notify us that you wish to do this within the 14-day cooling off period and return all of the funds you have received under your loan agreement within 30 days of the date on which you notify us.
If you signed your loan agreement longer than 14 days ago and haven’t notified us that you wish to withdraw, then you will need to request an early settlement figure in order to repay your loan amount early.
Call us on: 02920 858 791
Email us at: [email protected]